Awwwards winner
Behind The Logo
A responsive site diving into the history of the Ferrari logo. #UXUI #Responsivedesign #webanimation
Behind The Logo live site
Putting it briefly...
In response to the brief ‘design an engaging responsive microsite that explores a topic of your choice’, I chose to break down the story behind the iconic design of the Ferrari logo. I aimed to create an easy to navigate site which kept the attention of users with eye-catching images, interactivity, animations and a clean design which responds accordingly to any screen size. The idea was to break down and describe the elements of the logo and explain the story behind each one. I quickly identified that this project was visually led and therefore concentrated on aspects which would bring the information on this site together in a cohesive manner.
Team: Sophie Ross
Date: Oct-Nov 2022
Duration: 2 Months
The Discovery
I knew I wanted to centre this project around F1 and so I researched into some niche topics and came across the origin of Ferrari. I found this super fascinating and chose to use this as my websites focus. I did some really in-depth research on logo and tried to find out the story behind each part of the logo - each component had it's own story.
The Design
My plan was to create a sections explaining each component of the logo. I began with sketching out ideas and layouts, as this project was very UI based and more of a story telling site I knew I had to create an engaging story with the visuals of the site. I also wanted to make this into a live site, I chose to use Webflow which is something I had never used prior before so I learnt as I went along, this was an amazing learning experience and now I am quite confident in the software. I discovered a love for scroll animations during this project and learnt convert After Effects animations into Lottiefiles.
The live site
'Behind the Logo' has sinece won an Honors award from Awwwards! 🏆 Visit the live site using the link at the top of this page. If you are viewing on a mobile device, the initial animation may take a minute to render in!
